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Before we get into the details - Tuan Tran deserves an award or a nice coffee maker – something!!! Results in TWO DAYS !!! He’s really taking the “Year of the Rabbit” to heart with how fast results have come out. And he’s been doing this for the past several tournaments. Fastest result turnaround times in Texas. A lot of small things like fast result turnaround times, volunteers to help patrons park, nice food for lunches, nice trophies, runners helping deliver match sheets all help create a great experience for our tournament goers. It should be something we pride ourselves with because happy tournament goers bring repeat customers and are one aspect that help build ATTC’s brand across the state. An additional thanks to our volunteers as Tuan mentioned before: Hazel, Sridhart, Luan, Tristan Bach, Ishan, Cynthia Roberts, Ken Jones. They really help make the dream work. If you’re ever in town and decide not to play – consider volunteering at a tournament (especially the NHS kids in high school – get your volunteer hours in). This tournament at a glance:

  • Tournament registration was full 3 weeks before the tournament with a waitlist of 40+ people

  • 33 players in the Austin Area participated

  • Austin Area folks:

    • Stepped on the podium 9 times – that’s 38% of the total medal count

    • Juniors gained 343 points, with Shandra Qiu taking the bulk of that with 198 points

    • Adults had a great tournament gaining a combined 982 points

  • 4 ATTC Members Played their first tournament - If you see them give them a warm welcome and ask them how they did!

    • Pavlo Savchenko - Adult

    • Aditi Loke - Junior

    • Morris Lo - Junior

    • Leonid Odinokov - Junior

------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Achievements and Medals ------------------------------------------------------------------- Division B 1st - Conrado Garza (at least his third time winning this, this time he only dropped one set in this division ) 2nd - Tommy Omen

Division C 2nd - Ryan Choi 4th - Ananya Khuntia

Division E 1st - Ananya Singaraju (Dropped only 1 set in her division) 2nd - Yashwanth Sathish 4th - Nicholas Mickowski

Division F 1st - Shandra Qiu 3rd - Richard Nguyen

--------------------------------- Major Rating Hauls --------------------------------- TEN of the eleven top gainers hit their HIGHEST RATING!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It’s such a good feeling to hit a personal best – and what a great way to start the New Year.Our top adult and overall gainer goes to Nick Mickowski! He usually plays Monday league – if you see him give him a high five. He fished, lobbed, and chopped his way into the Division E cross-overs and finished fourth. Good job Nick!Our top junior gainer is Shandra Qiu - her aggressive quick attack style earned her a 1st place!!! She had a very tough prelim group with Rath, Teddy, Zhen, and Lia from SATTC. Lots of intense high quality points. You can definitely see the training coming through! She only dropped 2 sets on her charge to the Division-F finals where she took the gold. Exceptional play Shandra! You’ll be seeing her and many more of our Juniors in the next several tournament reports.2023 is going to be a big year for our Juniors as they continue their training with Coach Shahin, Clayton, and Justin. They’ve developed a strong technical base and are gaining understanding of how to play the game. A very exciting year for them indeed! The list contains the following information: Name - Club Affiliation - New rating (point gain) Highest Rating (HR). Junior players are also in bold.

1. Nicholas Mickowski -- ATTC Adult -- 1341(+313) HR 2. Shandra Qiu -- ATTC Junior -- 1420(+198) HR 3. Ihsan Simms -- Pong Club ATX Adult -- 1408(+194) HR 4. Yihang Tang -- ATTC Adult -- 1550(+155) HR 5. Tommy Omen -- ATTC Adult -- 1822(+134) HR 6. Olaf Westheider -- Pong Club ATX Adult -- 803(+111) HR 7. Vidyut Govindarajan -- ATTC Junior -- 823(+45) HR 8. Sahaj Ramachandran -- ATTC Junior -- 1474(+43) HR 9. Sambit Kanjilal -- ATTC Junior -- 1914(+33) HR 10. Erwin Josef Prinz -- Pong Club ATX Adult -- 1445(+25) 11. Yashwanth Sathish -- ATTC Junior -- 1315(+24) HR Sometimes things don’t always go your way. When they don’t – remember – it’s not the end of the world. Keep your chin up, reflect on how far you’ve come, focus on where you want to be and DO something to grow and improve! Keep training everyone!

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Austin Table Tennis Club is a Not-For-Profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity Organization. Your membership donation qualifies as a tax-deductible charitable donation (excluding the value of benefits received). For more information please consult your tax professional.

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